Book/Magazine Covers (All) · Illustration Art · Look Here · Patrick Woodroffe

Look Here: Two psychedelic-surrealist fantasy covers with art by Patrick Woodroffe

If memory serves, I bought my copy of Patrick Woodroffe’s Mythopoeikon: Fantasies, Monsters, Nightmares, Daydreams on sale at Coles Books in Yorkton, Saskatchewan, back when I was in high school. The younger me was simultaneously impressed by Woodroffe’s illustrations and puzzled by the artist’s obsession with dolls in his personal work. Although I still have that same copy of Mythopoeikon in my collection, I haven’t looked at it in many years, maybe since first-year university. I’m not even sure where I have it shelved… although now that I think of it, I strongly suspect it is in the long row of books behind the stacks of books and papers that sit on the counter of the cabinet behind the wide but narrow drafting table located about three feet from the desk in our office area — oh, what a tight space this is! (If I were to swivel my chair 180 degrees from the desk where I’m typing right now, I’d be sitting at that drafting table; one can walk in this room and sit down and that’s it, there’s no other space left in which to move.) Anyway, assuming I can locate Woodroffe’s book, it just might be time for a trip down memory lane… or not… because it’s such a bother to have to move stuff around! Perhaps these two new scans will suffice:


Nice. And you know what? My desire to see more Woodroffe art has been assuaged. I’ll dig that book out some other time, maybe…

Keywords: The Bull and the Spear and The Oak and the Ram by Michael Moorcock, Prince Corum, Patrick Woodroffe.